Thursday, January 13, 2011

The First Post!

So far it's only one guy talking about nothing so far. Pretty soon here, meaning next paycheck, I'll be picking up an army deal from War and Peace Games, a Napoleonic British Peninsular Army deal. According to the description, it'll be 157 infantry, 2 mounted guys, and 3 artillery pieces of miniature goodness. It seems really reasonably priced at $150. After that, I'll be needing to get some paints, terrain, etcetera. If anyone actually reads this, I would love some emails on suggestions to find this stuff.

I've dabbled in Warhammer 40k at the insistence of my loving, pushy older brother but it really wasn't my thing. In fact, my Catachan Imperial Guard force usually spends it's nights being cannon fodder for his Cadians. Oh well, 40K is just stupidly expensive aaand I'd rather buy guns... and Napoleonic minis. Which one will come first? A Glock 21 or a Napoleonic Army? Hmmm, only time can tell.

Anyways, the army I'm looking at starting with is Victrix 28mm. I'm comfortable playing 28mm as it's fairly similar to the scale of the oddly proportioned 40k models and it's not too big and not too small. Heres a link to the page:

It's the best deal I could find in a few days of shopping around online and the War and Peace site seems to have more than a few good deals. I'll probably look into getting some Perry Plastic accent minis (if they're in the right scale) and a few others. The Glengarry Light Infantry models on the Knuckleduster store website look pretty cool, and yes, I realize they're from the War of 1812, but I see no reason why they couldn't be good riflemen. Come to think of it, I think War and Peace sells riflemen in a larger group for a relatively lower price.

Here's a link to the Knuckleduster store:

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